Support Us

We’re changing things – in the fields, in the kitchens, and in our minds.
Join the movement and support us. 

With your support we can make our offers accessible for everyone
regardless of income. A monthly donation of 10€ enables someone’s participation at the symposium at a reduced cost. With 3.000€ we can finance a spot in our educational programme.

Donations account

Die Gemeinschaft e.V.
IBAN: DE78 4306 0967 1289 1525 00
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG


Donations to our non-profit association are tax deductible, up to 300€ you only need to provide a bank statement as proof. Beyond that, we are happy to issue donation receipts.

If you have questions or are interested in joining our Förderkreis with a regular donation of €1,000 or more, get in touch with Janna for more information:

Thanks a lot!