Focus Session
Local platform-economies revolutionize direct marketing and rural development
What`s it about?
What form of organization is needed to make the digital platform economical for the future?
The Markthalle Neun Plattform would like to work with you in the workshop in exploring these questions and ultimately finding one or more potential solutions for supporting it. For the past roughly 2 years the platform cooperated with the German Federal Ministry of Agriculture (BMEL) on plans for a direct marketing platform for small agricultural and craftsman-oriented companies. Together with their existing network of producers and chefs, they have been working in the background these past 4 years building up an operative platform that helps manage urgent logistics services as well as many other important tasks along the value chain. Expert consulting provided to producing companies in the various fields of crop farming, fruit and vegetable cultivation and dairy farming is an important component of the platform. They have seen a rise in demand for consulting of individual companies in the cultivation and marketing of their products. Another essential task is daily consulting of restaurants and cafeterias in the city for menu planning and product selection.
Beyond the transparent price setting for the producer, the digitization of the platform also helps relieve the load associated with administrative and ordering processes and communication between restaurant and producer. This in turn leaves more time for discussion and expert consulting with the value chain.

The Plattform Markthalle Neun spent the past 4 years working together with our network of producers and chefs on new economic model. A local platform economy based on the principle of direct marketing, close exchange between producer and chef, mutual esteem and transparent prices. It is intended in particularly to support independent farms, regional food craftsmen and local economic cycles.